In Etlworks, you can use the per-field Mapping to calculate the field value.
Use Cases
Below are common use-cases:
Static column value
When creating a Mapping for the Destination
column, enter the static column value as a value function
Step 1. Create a Mapping where the source field doesn't exist, and the destination field is a calculated field.
Step 2. Click the Edit field value function
(pen) icon and enter the field function:
'static value'
If the column value is a string, you must enclose it in single or double quotes, like this: 'static value'
Current date/ time as a column value
When creating a Mapping for the destination column, just enter new java.util.Date()
as a value function
Step 1. Create a Mapping where the source field doesn't exist, and the destination field is a calculated field.
Step 2. Click the Edit field value function
(pen) icon and enter the field function:
new java.util.Date();
Step 3. Go to MAPPING
and click Field Data Type
. Select DATE
for the Data type
. Optionally, enter a Database specific type
Current date/ time formatted as String as a column value
When the current date/ time is formatted as String as a column value, follow the steps below:
Step 1. Create a Mapping where the source field doesn't exist, and the destination field is a calculated field.
Step 2. Click the Edit field value function
(pen) icon and enter the field function:
Utils.date2Str(new java.util.Date(), 'yyyyMMdd');
Available Date/Time Formats:
- Year: yyyy or yy
- Month: MM
- Day: dd
- Hours: HH
- Minutes: mm
- Seconds: ss
Example: MM/dd/YYYY HH:mm:ss
Source file name as a column value
Step 1. Create a Mapping where the source field doesn't exist, and the destination field is a calculated field.
Step 2. Click the Edit field value function
(pen) icon and enter the field function:
Source file date and size as a column value
Step 1. Create a Mapping where the source field doesn't exist, and the destination field is a calculated field.
Step 2. Click the Edit field value function (pen)
icon and enter the field function:
var javaImports = new JavaImporter(com.toolsverse.etl.core.task.common);
with (javaImports) {
// get the map of files<name, date> from flow config
var files = etlConfig.getValue('files');
// if map of files doesn't exist yet instantiate it and add to the flow config
if (files == null) {
files = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap();
etlConfig.setValue('files', files);
// get the filename from the source
var fileName = destination.getSourceToUse().getDataSet().getFileNameToRead();
// get the date of the file by name
var fileDate = files.get(fileName);
// if the date is not found
if (fileDate == null) {
// get the list of files matching the filename from the source connection
var listOfFiles = FileManagerTask.list(etlConfig,
destination.getSourceToUse().getConnectionName(), fileName);
// if the list is not empty get the first file in the list (there is always one)
if (listOfFiles != null && !listOfFiles.isEmpty()) {
// convert date in ms to string using the following format: MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss
fileDate = Utils.date2Str(new java.util.Date(
listOfFiles.get(0).getLastModified()), "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
// note: you can get file size as listOfFiles.get(0).getSize()
// add date to the map
files.put(fileName, fileDate);
// return date
value = fileDate;
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